Welcome to my
Photos by Björn Forsén 2007 (left) and Anna-Maria Wilskman 2016 (right)
name is Mikko Suha, I'm a Finnish archaeologist whose hobby is nature
photography. When working in different locations around Finland I
always have my camera ready in case there's some critter to see. I have
also been involoved in different archaeological projects in Greece
since 1999, and there the scenery and animals are refreshingly
different. From 2014 to 2016 I was also fortunate get to participate in a project in Sicily.
These pages were born out of curiosity, whether
I would be able to create my own web pages. I have only shortly
used any kind of page editor, and it has been a while. This is the
result, however, hope you like it.
My gear:
Canon EOS 6d
Canon EOS 50d
"Bigma"; Sigma 50-500 EX APO HSM f 4- 5.6
Sigma APO 2x EX DG teleconverter
Canon EF 24-105 4L USM
Canon EF 50 mm F1.8 STM
Updated 25.12.2020